Thursday 31 December 2015

A website plays a paramount role in online marketing activities

With the arrival of the internet age and modernization, businesses have realized the value of web traffic or online presence, as the internet has become a global medium for communication. Today, in almost every public and private sector, the services of online marketing companies are being utilized. Therefore the demand for online marketing firms has also increased and these include firms carrying out website development, SEO and much more.

The main objective of an online marketing firm is to enhance the virtual visibility of an organization so that their services receive better exposure. Different strategies and different tools are used for internet marketing such as website development, search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click, etc. Out of these website design and development plays a paramount role in online marketing activities. If you review the present business environment you will come to know that web development is so vital for making a successful business. Thus, to get more clients and increase your business, it’s vital to hire the best web developers and create an outstanding website for your business.

Hiring a website development company in Mumbai can provide you several advantages. Some of these are listed below.

Attractive web design: A designer will make an attractive design for your site to entice visitors, thus opting for the best design is extremely vital. When a visitor views your website he/she must be able to read and understand your website clearly. This is the most vital point of having a clear and attractive website. It succeeds to make the initial impression to visitors.

Exclusive brand identity:  Designers are aware of the fact that a business can get long term advantages from website development and the site will also stay with the owners as long as they continue their business. Thus it’s vital to make a unique brand logo and exploit the brand logo on the website so that it represents your business and differentiates it from other competitors.

Up to the Mark
Web design is not restricted to designing the main frame of a website. It involves several very important elements. A business website is not complete without proper content. Thus, while you look to hire a web development company, you must check the entire package. Look whether it includes content writing and other related services or not. If you can get an informative, well designed and developed website with very simple content then you’ll certainly get what you require.

With the above points, it’s evident that a website plays a crucial role as far as internet marketing is concerned. You need to get the base right in order to set up your business online. eTrack Media is an efficient website design company in Mumbai providing various online marketing services. With its excellent marketing strategy and apt vision it has now become one of the leading digital marketing companies in Mumbai.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Mobile SEO Best Practices

As per a study conducted by the Mobile Marketing Association, in five years’ time there will be a massive mobile marketing boom. The mobile marketing ecosystem is set to increase at an annual rate of approximately 50%. The number of global smartphone users is increasing year on year and is set to reach 6 billion by or before 2020. The study conducted by MMB not only demonstrates that mobile marketing is a promising financial spur and job creator, but also sends a dominant message to organizations, small businesses and entrepreneurs in the online world that now is the time to develop a solid mobile SEO strategy to capture the future profits.

While mobile SEO shares several similarities with the prevailing SEO strategies for desktop browsers, below are some specific tips that will give you an upper hand in the competition related to mobile SEO.

How to make your Website more mobile friendly?

As per research in 2013, there were around 1.4 billion smartphone users, which works out to 1 in 7 people worldwide. This statistic proves the need for websites to be more SEO friendly.

Make the website responsive: A responsive website detects the mobile device and accordingly adjusts its layout. This is a one size fits all strategy that lets you successfully capture your mobile users.

Allow dynamic serving: If you aren’t a computer savvy individual then this is a slightly more complex strategy with possible technical challenges. With this set up, the server spots the device and, based on the type of device the visitor is using, loads the correct content onto that URL.

Ensure to have a mobile URL: Make sure you create a sub domain for your mobile users. This redirects mobile users to the mobile website and desktop users to the desktop website.

Optimizing the Content
Like several types of internet marketing campaigns, optimizing the content plays a crucial role in helping search engine spiders assess the relevancy of your content in any given search. While you certainly need keywords and keyword phrases in optimizing the content, it’s vital to remember that mobile device screens are dramatically smaller than regular computer or laptop screens. As the keypads are so small, search terms are likely going to be shorter too. Select keywords that are mobile user specific and check the length of your content to optimize your mobile user’s experience of your website.

Endorsing Business with Mobile Ads
Mobile ads are known to convert at a relatively high rate. New research carried out across a variety of industries and business types illustrate that, on average, 86% of the clicks on mobile search ads are incremental. Another study reveals that 59% of people find mobile ads useful. In fact, when doing a mobile search, 50% of purchase related conversions happen in either an hour or less.

Today, SEO services in Mumbai include mobile SEO as well as the demand for it is increasing and the mobile market has several opportunities for growth and development. Also, one gets a mobile SEO package when one hires a SEO company in Mumbai.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Role of SEO in today’s world for all kinds of Businesses

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a very important role to play in today’s world for all kinds of businesses. It’s a tool/service that enhances your chances of being located when visitors search for a specific service or product in search engines such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo. When visitors use a search engine to search for their requirements and if you aren’t located anywhere then you don’t exist.  One of the important features of SEO is to make the website simple for both the users and search engines to understand. Though, the dynamics of internet marketing have changed with search engines becoming more sophisticated, they still can’t view and understand a web page the same way a human can. Here, SEO comes into the picture as it assists the engines figure out what each page is about and how it might be useful for users.

Significance of SEO

Businesses have many ways to advertise their products or services such as flyers, phonebook ads, paid online ads, radio commercials, etc. However, all of these things cost money. On the contrary, if visitors find your business while using a search engine, it’s like free website traffic (also known as organic traffic). Though, you might spend some time optimizing your website, you’re not paying for each new lead such as with pay per click advertising.
Today, in the world of internet marketing the role of SEO is quite significant. It is one of the most cost effective ways to bring in new clients for your business. However, studies show that SEO is still not done by more people especially in the way it should be. So what’s the reason for this? The answer is quite simple, SEO takes time and requires patience, but, most individuals just want quick results and refrain from investing in time, but it never happens overnight. So, patience is the key when doing SEO. When you select an SEO company in Mumbai, it’s advisable that the company should also be a Web Design Company in Mumbai, so they can make all development changes they need to do.

SEO Provides Visibility and Branding to Business:

 It goes without saying that you, as a business owner want to appear as high in the search engine results as possible, but the reasons for this are more than just because you expect them to click through to your website. In fact, there is a certain amount of value in merely appearing in search results for terms directly associated with your business. For example, majority of the searchers don’t merely search once, click on some website and be done with it. Rather, they search, click on some websites, edit their search terms, search again, etc. So what does this imply for your business? It means that if you are continuously visible in all these searches then you get noticed more with every search by potential clients. Chances also increase of them eventually clicking through to your website, and as you are continuously displayed in their entire search, they will trust you that much more.

SEO Provides Credibility to Business

Searchers make notes of the rankings for the terms they enter into Google and other search engines. They might not realize, but it’s a fact. And for them, your ranking is a vote of trust. It shows that the higher rank you get in search engines, the more your business credibility increases.

SEO Provides One of the Best Returns on Investments in Advertising

SEO provides the best ROI for your efforts at a higher rate than pretty much all conventional forms of offline advertising. This is because SEO is an inbound marketing strategy, which lets you market your services and products to your consumers. Here you are not interrupting their daily tasks, but just show up when they are looking for businesses like yours.

In recent years, the role of SEO has changed as far as businesses are concerned and there are several SEO companies in Mumbai and other parts coming up and providing the best SEO and SMM services to their clients.

Tuesday 22 September 2015


Today, organizations of all sizes are recognizing the significance of online marketing, specifically through search engines. These days, the fact is people most probably end up on a website through a search engine rather than going directly to it. Research tells us that around 80% of users locate their desired destination with the help of a search engine. This research clarifies that it’s extremely vital for a brand to have a strong presence within the search engines, so that one is always in front of his/her target audience. However, there’s still a huge decision to make, whether to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or PPC (Pay per Click) to get in front of the target audience. These are two basic options when one thinks of boosting traffic to the website. If done in a proper way, both can help your website rank on the front page of the search engines. However, each has its respective costs and benefits.

Type ‘SEO Company in Mumbai. India and what you get is the result of SEO or PPC. The primary difference between SEO and PPC is that the traffic which comes from organic SEO is free whilst traffic generated from PPC is not free, as the name ‘PPC’ itself says that you need to pay a cost per click. This is also why you might at times notice the terms organic search engine listings and paid search engine listings. Still, the fact remains that PPC holds a slight edge in conversation rates, as paid search results are more likely to convert click throughs from the search engine. Experts attribute to the fact that paid search results ‘text and landing page is custom optimized by the advertiser’. So, it can be concluded that the opportunity from organic search is quite more than that of paid search.

PPC’s real strengths are its speed and reach as with this campaign, you can find yourself on the first page for a multitude of targeted terms within a day. However, this can cost a lot, also for a PPC campaign to be done appropriately, it’s generally best to hire a firm that can manage it full time. On the other hand, you can build traffic for free by getting high rankings in the natural search results. You will need to follow best SEO practices to try and get your site displayed on these pages more prominently and frequently. It could take time to reach the top with natural results; however, the free targeted traffic would possibly prove to be well worth the investment.

Getting the website ranked on top pages within Google is the main priority of any business today and SEO and PPC are some of the main ways to do so. As we are offering SEO Services in Mumbai to all types of organizations, eTrack Media strongly believes in using any of these services to complement its SEO strategies.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Key Tips to Consider for Result-Oriented Instagram Marketing!

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms with around 300 million active users. With its remarkable ability of conveying stories through visuals, Instagram is widely used by businesses for engaging with their customers, creating brand awareness and forming an emotional connection with their audience.  Here are some important tips to consider whilst using Instagram for business:
Complete Your Profile: Your bio is the first thing that your followers will notice. Make sure your Instagram profile is completed with all the relevant information, including what your company is about, how consumers can benefit from your products/services and how they could contact you. You should also ensure that the information you provide is consistent across all social media platforms. Additionally, consider linking your Instagram profile with your Facebook and Twitter business accounts for a wider reach, increased visibility and higher engagement.
Use Relevant Hashtags: As hashtags categorises your content and makes it easily discoverable for your followers, it is important for businesses to use relevant hashtags in each post. Conduct research for most commonly used words that best describe your product/service. Cleverly use these keywords related to your business, your location and industry as hashtags. This can helps you find the right followers that actually require your product/services. However, do not abuse hashtags by over-using them. Have few but relevant hashtags for every post.
Upload Variety of Content: In order to make your brand stand out, you will need to share a variety of content that resonates with your brand and your follower’s interest. Do not just advertise your products; instead use visuals to tell a story about your brand. Showcase the teasers or sneak-peaks of your upcoming product launch, share behind-the-scenes photos and promote recent events you have hosted or attended.  You can also share photos of satisfied customers using your product or their testimonials.
Engage and Interact with Your Followers: Show your followers you are interested in knowing about their experiences with your product/service and value their opinion. Encourage them to share their own photos with your product and share them on your page.  Always reply to their comments and make them feel their opinion is important.
Host Interesting Contests: Running an Instagram contest is one of the most effective ways to create a buzz about your brand and can encourage interaction from your consumers. It increases your brand’s overall exposure, ignites interest amongst users and can help you gain loyalty from your followers. Giving perks or freebies related to your brand can help you form a personal connection with your fans whilst increasing visibility of your products/services.

So, if you want to get started and build your business presence on Instagram, eTrack Media can help. Led by a team of social media experts and creative designers, eTrack Media is one of the leading social media marketing services provider offering ROI-driven internet marketing services. Whether you want to create brand awareness or drive more sales, we can help.